Please help The Middletown Rotary Club support area food bank nonprofits and make sure all our neighbors enjoy a bountiful Thanksgiving dinner!   This year, Liberty Bank and participating Rotary Clubs have joined with the Community Foundation of Middlesex County (CFMC) for the annual Thanksgiving Drive!
You can help by making a donation directly on line (or by check) to CFMC at:
(Also, you can use the QR code available at Liberty Bank branches which links you directly to the CFMC website)
Note:  When making donations on-line choose Middletown Rotary Club in the drop-down menu, or, if by check, write “Middletown Rotary Club” in the memo line.
CFMC will collect funds and the Liberty Bank Foundation will add 25 cents for every dollar donated up to $250,000.
Timeline for donations for the Turkey Drive is:  Oct. 3 to Nov. 14 at 3pm
The Middletown Rotary Club was the founding Rotary Club for the Thanksgiving Dinner Drive.  Accordingly, we ask all club members and friends to continue to support this effort and donate generously.  
(Please Note:  Our Club will also continue to deliver 100 baskets to homebound individuals and families)